15th August 2019 will be marking the 73rd Independence Day of India. Asian Education Group celebrated the day with great enthusiasm and zeal at its Noida Campus on 14th August 2019. All the three AEG schools, viz, Asian Business School, Asian School of Business and Asian Law College participated in the celebrations.
On the eve of India’s 73rd Independence Day, the entire campus presented a festive look with creative decoration with tricolor. The directors, all faculty members, staff and students participated in the celebrations with fervor.
Before the Independence Day celebrations were concluded, the heads of the three AEG Schools, viz., Dr. Anubhuti Dwivedi, Associate Dean, Asian Business School; Dr. Maroof Ahmad Mir, Assistant Dean -Asian School of Business; and Dr. Priya A. Sondhi, Professor & Associate Dean, Asian Law College, addressed and encouraged the faculty, staff and the students to excel in every field of life. The gathering listened to the encouraging words with apt attention as it motivated each one of them to correct the things which have gone wrong presently in our lives and the system.
Finally, the gathering pledged not to take the independence for granted, and resolved to make India a better place to live.